Monday, December 9, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

So this year my family got an Elf On The Shelf, So every day sense dec.1st he has been re-hiding himself in different places. These are this weeks hiding spots.

Day 1~ I found him with my AGs watching movies. 

Day 2~ The next day we found him trying to get at my moms diet coke.

Day 3~ The next night he crossed out my family's names on our Christmas presents and put his name, Charlie.

Day 4~ he felt so bad about day 3's stunt that he put himself in time out.

Day 5~ After   all that time-out he needed something sweet so he went strait for our  maple syrup.

Day 6~ he was bad today as he took a dry erase marker and drew a silly face on the bathroom mirror.

Day 7~ today Charlie T.P.ed Our Christmas tree, brother joke:At least it wasn't used ha ha ha

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Candy Cane Tutorial

Today I made candy canes with my awesome mom. I so wanted to get a tutorial ready to put on my blog that I got this one ready as soon as possible. AND HERE IT IS!

First you need to gather up your supplies, you will need (for a traditional red and white one) red and white polymer clay, a surface to work on, and something to cut it with.

Take out a bit of each color and set the rest to the side.

Next, roll out the clay you're using into 2 long snakes.

Cut the ropes to desired length and twist them together .

(hint: once twisted roll them on the surface you have until smooth to get a more finished look!) ; )
Once done with that, bend an end of the twisted rope into a hook.  Then bake according to the directions on the polymer clay package; for me, that was about 7 minutes at 275 degrees.

                                            And you're done!  Hope you like it!

By the way, sorry about the quality of the pictures, I'm not much of a photographer.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Getting to know me

Hi I am R******, but you can call  me Rama, and this is my blog.  Some interesting facts about me are ...
~Some of my hobbies are acting, singing, dancing , reading, and of course crafting.
~One of my favorite foods is pesto pasta.
~I am almost old enough to be a teen, but not quite.
~I am awesome and that is a fact!
~And I love making friends.

I am excited to start a blog to share my crafting successes (and failures!), passion for fashion, yummy recipes, and various other advice and opinions.  I can't wait to get posting!

P.S.  When you find and follow me, PLEASE 
share this blog with friends!

I would like to issue a shout out to my aunt for helping me come up with such a great blog name!