Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My American Girl Dolls

First off I'd like to say sorry for not posting for so long, it's been hectic with school and before that Christmas. So with that said I realized that I haven't told you about my dolls, I would say American Girl dolls but some of them are from other brands.

Say hi to my amazing 18 inch dolls, Felicity, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Saige, Dawn, Carmen, Samantha, and their little baby sister Rose. 

Felicity was my first American Girl Doll. She was the doll that first interested me in 18" dolls. She is one of the retired historical dolls, she lived during the time of the American Revolution.
Along with Felicity came Elizabeth. She and Felicity are best friends. To get some pocket change she's walking her sisters' dogs.

Next was Rebecca, my second doll. Also one of the historical dolls, Rebecca is a Jewish girl who wants to be an actress.

Carmen is a Best Friends Club doll I got from my aunt and uncle. I usually have to improvise with her clothes because she is a bit smaller than the other dolls. Right now she is babysitting her baby sister Rose, who I got for Christmas last month.

Dawn  I got from my sister who was trying to sell her at a family yard sale. I got her for 5 bucks while we were cleaning up. That's good even though she isn't AG. 

Saige was last years girl of the year at American Girl. She is playing with her grandma's dog Rembrandt in the snow.

I also got Samantha a girl from the Victorian era. She sure looks like she's enjoying ice skating on a snowy pond.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

So this year my family got an Elf On The Shelf, So every day sense dec.1st he has been re-hiding himself in different places. These are this weeks hiding spots.

Day 1~ I found him with my AGs watching movies. 

Day 2~ The next day we found him trying to get at my moms diet coke.

Day 3~ The next night he crossed out my family's names on our Christmas presents and put his name, Charlie.

Day 4~ he felt so bad about day 3's stunt that he put himself in time out.

Day 5~ After   all that time-out he needed something sweet so he went strait for our  maple syrup.

Day 6~ he was bad today as he took a dry erase marker and drew a silly face on the bathroom mirror.

Day 7~ today Charlie T.P.ed Our Christmas tree, brother joke:At least it wasn't used ha ha ha

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Candy Cane Tutorial

Today I made candy canes with my awesome mom. I so wanted to get a tutorial ready to put on my blog that I got this one ready as soon as possible. AND HERE IT IS!

First you need to gather up your supplies, you will need (for a traditional red and white one) red and white polymer clay, a surface to work on, and something to cut it with.

Take out a bit of each color and set the rest to the side.

Next, roll out the clay you're using into 2 long snakes.

Cut the ropes to desired length and twist them together .

(hint: once twisted roll them on the surface you have until smooth to get a more finished look!) ; )
Once done with that, bend an end of the twisted rope into a hook.  Then bake according to the directions on the polymer clay package; for me, that was about 7 minutes at 275 degrees.

                                            And you're done!  Hope you like it!

By the way, sorry about the quality of the pictures, I'm not much of a photographer.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Getting to know me

Hi I am R******, but you can call  me Rama, and this is my blog.  Some interesting facts about me are ...
~Some of my hobbies are acting, singing, dancing , reading, and of course crafting.
~One of my favorite foods is pesto pasta.
~I am almost old enough to be a teen, but not quite.
~I am awesome and that is a fact!
~And I love making friends.

I am excited to start a blog to share my crafting successes (and failures!), passion for fashion, yummy recipes, and various other advice and opinions.  I can't wait to get posting!

P.S.  When you find and follow me, PLEASE 
share this blog with friends!

I would like to issue a shout out to my aunt for helping me come up with such a great blog name!